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Unlock Real-Time Leads with Cutting-Edge AI Data Technology

Imagine having access to live, intent-driven leads right as they search for your products or services. Our advanced system harnesses the power of big data from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and large consumer behavior databases, delivering behaviorally triggered leads directly to your lead generation control panel.

What We Offer:

  • Real-Time Lead Identification: Unlike typical scrapers, our leads are not outdated or irrelevant. We provide fresh, in-the-moment leads identified in real-time as they search for your offerings.

  • Comprehensive Lead Data: Get full contact details, including first name, last name, up to two phone numbers, up to two email addresses, current mailing addresses, and the exact keyword phrases they're using.

  • Seamless Integration & Automation:

Effortlessly integrate with Sendgrid or your preferred CRM via API to automate workflows, such as email marketing campaigns or Facebook retargeting.

No more waiting for opt-ins, form fills, or clicks. Get direct access to high-intent leads as they engage online. Start converting real-time searchers into loyal customers with unparalleled efficiency!

Instant Leads leverages cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence to monitor internet search traffic, pinpointing high-intent buyers based on their search behaviors. When a potential customer searches for one of your selected keywords, our AI system identifies them as a high-intent lead.

But it doesn't end there. Our system monitors their actions and, after engaging with two relevant pieces of content, cross-references them with a big data source to confirm their opt-in status for receiving communications from advertising partners. If they're confirmed, their contact information, along with the keyword they were interested in, is instantly delivered to you. This allows you to leverage the data in multiple ways to profit whether it be with connecting with them directly by mail, phone or email, OR by building powerful Facebook Custom and Lookalike Audiences.

Timing is critical in converting leads into customers. That's why we've implemented direct integrations with SendGrid, GoHighLevel, and more autoresponse software so you can send an email the moment the lead is generated. This allows you to enter into the conversation they’re already having in their mind.

This is a game-changer in lead generation. Are you prepared to dominate your market and leave your competitors in the dust? Your journey to success begins with Instant Leads.

Ready to Supercharge Your Leads?

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